A Tale of Two Thomases:
Entering the Woods of Awareness with Thomas Keating and Thomas Berry
Presented by Rick Klein
A Tale of Two Thomases:
Entering the Woods of Awareness with Thomas Keating and Thomas Berry
Presented by Rick Klein
Online via Zoom
Cost: $40
Saturday, November 12
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Mountain Time
Scholarships are available
Apply Below
It’s all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we do not have a good story. We are between stories. - Thomas Berry
The Two Thomases : Thomas Keating and Thomas Berry
With each passing day it seems our world is becoming more divided and polarized. Media commentators continually assure us that humanity is becoming more separated by the minute. Against this background of division, our common experiences of a global pandemic, the meteoric rise of information and misinformation, and the constant drumbeat of climate change evidence the increasing connectedness of our 21st century world. It seems we are torn apart and brought together at the same time.
And what about the spiritual paths we choose? Is the spiritual realm immune from these opposing forces of separation and connection? Challenging times call for wise guides. Fortunately, two guides named Thomas offer insights for these confusing and mysterious times. Rick Klein weaves together Thomas Keating’s inner spiritual wisdom with Thomas Berry’s outer spiritual and scientific wisdom, creating an emerging story of hope for the future.
In this course, Rick Klein will speak about the parallels and divergences between the paths of Thomas Berry and Thomas Keating. Rick is convinced “the only way to fully follow either the road of Thomas Berry or the road of Thomas Keating, is to travel both roads. Not one followed by the other, but both roads at the same time. Although the roads appear separate, they are in essence forever linked. Berry’s Universe Story and Keating’s Spiritual Journey connect whenever … action meets contemplation, matter meets spirit, being meets doing, meaning meets purpose … in intentional awareness”
About Rick Klein
Rick gives talks and workshops on contemplative spirituality throughout Colorado. He is a teacher of Centering Prayer and has presented workshops on science and spirituality, compassion, and mysticism at the Center for Contemplative Living. He is a past facilitator and teacher in the Benedictine Spiritual Formation Program offered by Benet Hill Monastery.
Recording Note: This event will be recorded. All registrants will receive a copy of the Zoom recording within 2 weeks of the event.
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Contemplative Outreach of Colorado
3650 Yates Denver, CO, 80212
(303) 698-7729